Scholars Offer Feeble Response To Farrakhan Challenge

As the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan called for an international Showdown against Jewish leaders who have wrongfully branded him a racist anti-Semite, none of his accusers have stepped forward to prove their case. Instead, some of their most hailed scholars have resorted to empty rhetoric and name-calling. Recently, Dr. Harold Brackman offered what appeared to be a response to the Minister’s challenge, except that he didn’t bother to address any of the issues at hand. Instead of rebutting whether or not Minister Farrakhan’s words are true or false, he spewed cheap rants and fraudulent data that can easily be disproven. This response comes after Jewish leaders of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) labeled the Nation of Islam (NOI) as an Anti-Semitic hate group—a label that has unjustly caused significant loss of friends and resources from the NOI for several decades.



In his article entitled Louis Farrakhan at 80: A Needless Legacy of Hate, Brackman begins by insinuating his desire for Minister Farrakhan’s death:

Had Farrakhan’s battle with prostate cancer ended soon after 1996’s Million Man March on Washington, his legacy would have been quite different than now…

…Farrakhan lived after the Million Man March to fail to carry through on his renewal program and continue his prior career as a serial bigot vilifying not only Jews but Korean and Arab storekeepers, gays, single mothers, and of course the United States whose demise he predicts like a broken clock.

Aside from falsifying the year of the Million Man March (1995), Brackman goes on to falsify the one million-plus number of participants of the march, which he asserts was only 700,000. While none of his errors even address the Minister’s challenge, this clearly demonstrates an abstention to deal with the truth. Hence, he and others have relied on malicious innuendos instead of facing the fact-based claims that Minister Farrakhan has presented. Is this the best Mr. Brackman and his scholarly cohorts can do? Apparently so. Like a desperate cat in a corner, Brackman then spewed the decades-long lie against the Minister:

He became notorious in the 1980s for calling Judaism a “gutter” or “dirty” religion and Hitler “a great man”—statements his apologists continue to try to explain away.

With all of the media and technological resources available for anyone to research, all the recordings clearly prove that the Minister never called “Judaism” a gutter or dirty religion. Furthermore, he referred to Hitler as a ‘wickedly great’ man. No historian worth his or her salt would argue against the notion that Hitler was wickedly great; otherwise, there would be no need to discuss him in books, schools, and films. Again, none of these lies come close to addressing the issue at hand. As far as those Jewish leaders and scholars that Minister Farrakhan summoned to a showdown to see ‘who is right’ and ‘who is wrong’—none have accepted the challenge! What’s even more appalling is that these detractors presume that people nowadays are gullible enough to believe their lies despite the overwhelming evidence. Having no defense against the truth Minister Farrakhan has presented, Brackman rendered an insulting name-calling tirade in these words:

Invoking his crackpot, pseudo-Islamic theology, Farrakhan explained that America was on the receiving end of heavenly wrath in the form of obesity and climate change.

Rather than offer an intelligent argument to justify his insulting characterization of a mind-liberating theology, Mr. Brackman publicly labels the NOI’s teachings as ‘crackpot’ and ‘pseudo-Islamic’. If it is so ‘crackpot’, then why have no Jewish scholars or rabbis contended with the Nation of Islam regarding who are the real ‘children of Israel’ and ‘chosen people’ of God? After all, Minister Farrakhan put his own life on the line if any of them can refute this theological claim. Even still, Jewish leaders and those under their influence won’t even offer a rational argument against a man whom they want dead anyway! Since Abraham Foxman of the ADL and other Jewish leaders have expressed their disdain over Farrakhan’s influence, wouldn’t it make sense for them to offer a reasonable counter-argument against him?

As far as America being plagued by obesity and climate change, the daily news pretty much validates the Minister’s assertions in that regard—no need to prove that point, right?

Still unwilling to debate the truth of Minister Farrakhan’s words, Brackman attempted to lambast the heavily researched books, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks And Jews Volumes 1-2, hoping that his audience would never read for themselves. He makes these assertions:

At the NOI Convention, Farrakhan’s organization continued to push the libel that Jews dominated the slave trade and masterminded sharecropping and segregation, the subjects of Vol. 1 and now Vol. 2 of the anonymously-authored Farrakhanite: “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.”

What he failed to mention is that both of the aforementioned books offer clear evidence from Jewish writers that Jews dominated the slave trade and masterminded sharecropping and segregation. It’s funny how he doesn’t contend with the facts of these claims; rather, he rants over the reality that Black people are wise enough to acknowledge this truth. In fact, this pattern of derogating the facts has become commonplace among Minister Farrakhan’s detractors.  

Aside from avoiding the debate, the other tactic of those who attack the Minister is to outright lie. When all else fails, this is the resort of those who have found it clear that they cannot challenge him on the basis of truth. Perhaps this is why Brackman concluded his diatribe with a nonsensical outburst in these words:

With a backward-looking message of hate, Farrakhan’s UFO-“mother ship” navigates cyberspace spewing noxious emissions designed to poke a hole in the ozone layer protecting tolerance.

The hypocrisy and incompetency of many Jewish leaders to challenge the truth is plainly evident. Several strategies are continuously put forth to sway the public from reasoning with the truth represented by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Dr. Harold Brackman’s attempt to avert the truth exemplifies how some of the most esteemed Jewish scholars resort to futile gimmicks to avoid an openly transparent debate to see who is right and who is wrong.

As this all boils down, are any of those who have labeled Minister Farrakhan and the NOI as an anti-Semitic hate group willing to intelligently contest these claims in an open debate? After nearly 30 years of using their influential resources through the mainstream media and legislation, will any of those leaders or scholars even try to prove their case against a man who has done nothing more than tell the truth? What are they afraid of?